sábado, 10 de maio de 2014

Um amor de mãe é poderosa em qualquer espécie.

Mothers Are Everywhere in Nature.

One of the thing we have most common with animals is our sense of family, and taking care of those that are close to us. More than anything, this comes to light when we look at mothers in nature and the animal kingdom, Not so different than our own, they are patient, giving, tenacious and wise, giving their children all of themselves. Look below for some fantastic photos of mothers in nature... 
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers
animal mothers

FONTE: http://www.ba-bamail.com/Content.aspx?emailid=9847&memberid=774782#.U23wHIFdXdk

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