quinta-feira, 11 de junho de 2015

O melhor do flashback anos 80!!!

flash back anos 80, e anos 90 vai ter muito também. se inscreve ae :) se gosto curte :)
lista das musicas-
01 Voyage voyage-Desireless
02 Girls just want to have fun -CYNDI LAUPER
03 You Are The One - A-Ha
04 Domino Dancing- Pet Shop Boys
05 Self control-Laura Branigan
06 holliday-Madonna
07 like a virgin-Madonna
08 Send me an angel-Real Life
09 when in rome-No Promise
10 So many men so little time-Miquel Brown
11 High Energy-Evelyn Thomas
12 maria madalena-Sandra
13 sweet dreams-Eurythmics
14 Never gonna give you-Rick Astley
15 A litle respect-Eraser
16 Big Japan-Alphaville
17 sounds like a melody-Alphaville
18 Maniac-Michael Sembello

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